Destination Wedding Algarve
wedding photographer
Nicole Sánchez
October 2019.
I met Nuria from Si Quiero Pavoneo, through a good friend of mine that has an interior design store in Sevilla, Alma Design.
For this new task, Nuria was careful in all details, attending the couple's ideia, even while working at a distance. The result was a chill out decor appealing to the autumn colours of southern Portugal. It is important to chooce the right person for your planning. They must be able to for see your ideia and vision for your happy day.
You can share this wedding or pin it on your favourite social media. In addition, you can also browse at my Pinterest moodboards, for some inspiration.
And, for more information on my work as wedding photographer you can email me at . Cheers!
This is the photo reportage of Sandra and Zé wedding at Monte da Lua in Algarve. This lovely couple had their ceremony at one of the most beautiful regions of Portugal, where summer extends beyond it's season.
All the details were carefully planned by Si Quiero Pavoneo by Nuria Pavoneo, from Sevilla to Algarve. Combining the landscape with great floral design , in a relaxed and joyful ambiance.
The cocktail around the swimming pool had local musicians performing. The dinning table was a round table with a dinning experience from a local restaurant, providing a dish with fish and sea food. In a big tent, the guests were provided with a gastronomical experience different from the tradicional weddings.
This then turned into a dancing floor with a band were the couple sang along. The bride had an amazing double gown design by Alicia Ruela.

Can I confess something? As a wedding photographer, this maybe the more stressful moment of the whole day, the exiting of the ceremony. Because it is one of the more confusing and unpredictable event, and, of course, unrepeatable. So, I tend to prepare ahead, observing the guests and the couple, sometimes I ask the wedding planner whether there is something special happening. But most of the times is improvisation at it's best.
In this wedding, Sandra and Zé were taken by the children that instantly decided to trow rice and flowers, creating a rather uncontrollable moment of excitement, forcing the couple to flee the place as quickly as they could. That being said, they started to run towards the beginning of the aisle, and I starting running backwards avoiding colliding with them and still managing to photograph in me middle of the children, running before and after the couple.
Needless to say that in this moment the odds of catching a good photo where the couple's faces are looking good, and not just a blur of rice, are minimal. And managing to not fall on my back, it is a rather circus apparatus. Still, I think that this one image portraits exactly the moment as is, and not all exiting phots have to be 100% straight forward towards the couple. Right?